Saturday, January 15, 2011

Il dolce far niente....

I confess. I’m going to muse based on a movie line. Not from an original thought. Not even from a book that I’m reading. From a movie. So, recently I watched Eat Pray Love.  I didn’t even read the book!

The movie wasn’t great but it was nice because it allowed me to transport myself to warmer, friendlier-feeling locales. My favorite bit of the movie was the part in Italy… colorful language enhanced with ‘gesti’ , meals savoured slowly and with friends and il dolce far niente..the sweetness of doing nothing. I don’t think it literally or at least not always pertains to doing nothing. I believe, and I hope I’m right, its about not getting swept away without paying attention to what’s sweet in life. To know how to live.


The question being….can you savor ‘il dolce far niente’ wherever you are or do you have to live somewhere which allows you to do so? That I honestly don’t know yet. 


  1. Ok, maybe it would be cool to have kids who speak Italian. Mayyyybe :P And then maybe they can teach us the art of "dolce far niente".
